Friday, September 27, 2013

The fall wind is on it's way! Be protected.

It's that time of year again, high Santa Ana winds are back.  Wind damage is the second most common claim on a mobile home here in California.  Check your awnings and your roof to make sure you are prepared for mother nature.  Your homeowners policy should provide coverage for damage to your home or awning by wind.  It's a good idea to check your policy and deductible to make sure you are covered against wind or perhaps even a fire that these winds can promote.  We are always happy to assist at the Weibel Insurance agency, just visit our site or call for more information on homeowners insurance for mobile homes.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


If we actually do have an earthquake here in California are you covered by your insurance policy?  What happens if there is a fire after the earthquake but I don't have earthquake coverage?  Can the insurance company leave me holding the bag if they incur to many losses?  Is my personal property fully covered?  What does my policy mean by stating earthquake coverage carries a 10% or 15% deductible, what is that a percentage of and does it apply separately to each category?

As a policy holder you deserve answers to these and more questions concerning the premium you are paying to be "protected".  Know what you have, who to call, and what to do should the unthinkable happen.  Give the mobile home insurance specialists a call....              (800) 653-5565

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Combining mobile home and auto insurance.

Here at the Weibel Insurance Agency we pride ourselves on delivering the best the market has to offer. We really feel we have a home run for seniors living in a mobile home park with clean driving records. We are able to discount already low rates by a-lot when we combine homeowners and automobile insurance.  It took a long time for an A rated company to offer a big price break and it's finally here.

Please give us a call with your current policy info for a direct comparison. 1(800)653-5565