Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The In-n-out of homeowner’s insurance

Every year around the same time I get a terrific little bill for Homeowners insurance in the mail.  With one eye open I take a peak at the premium for this coming year.  Shortly after that it’s time to locate the amount of coverage on my home.  I’m willing to bet my reaction is the same as yours ... “The value of my home has gone down and the insurance company wants more money” and boy am I excited to write them another check!

Now is a good time to contact your insurance agent to get the in-n-out on your mobile home policy.   Look for a comprehensive policy that will do the job at an affordable price.  Insurance policies are not all created equal and need to reviewed by you and your agent for maximum value.

First on our short list of things to look at on your homeowners policy should be the amount of coverage and the type of coverage you have.  As a rule replacement coverage means “new for old” and in the event of a total loss the goal is to buy you a brand new home and have it installed in your existing location.  Actual cash value (ACV) is subject to depreciation and other conditions at the time of loss, meaning you can’t be entirely sure of what you will get when you need it most.   The problem you can run into is not having enough coverage to pay the cost of the new home and being short of 80% of that cost at the time of loss.  If you are not within 80% of the actual replacement cost at the time of loss your coverage will fall to “ACV” or what used home around you are selling for and as we all know that can be a low number.   Hopefully you have replacement coverage instead of actual cash value (ACV) and enough coverage to do the job.  Your agent should do a “cost estimator” to be sure your coverage level is correct.

Next let’s focus on all of your “stuff”, that is to say all the things you have in your home.  We again need to look at replacement vs. ACV.  Without adding a replacement endorsement to your personal property all of your “stuff” is subject to depreciation.  Make sure the limit for personal property is enough, make sure you have replacement, and let your agent know about any unique items you want specific coverage on.  It’s a great idea to take a Sunday afternoon to catalog most of your stuff and take pictures.  If your home ever burns down you will be very glad you took the time to do this.   

We live in California and we’ve all heard how the big one is coming so let’s go over earthquake coverage.  The first consideration is obviously price.  A good agent will find you the best deal and try to combine your earthquake and homeowners insurance.   After the premium shock we need to understand what the limits are and what we can expect from the company.  You will find that your deductible will either be 10% or 15%.  This deductible applies to your home and your personal property and is a percentage of the amount of coverage.  Standard earthquake coverage will also reduce your personal property and loss of use to $5,000 and $1,500 respectively.  

The list of optional endorsements and coverage’s is long and I can’t possibly address them all this time.  Each company builds their homeowners policy slightly different and can requiring changes by your agent to make them worth their salt.  A good insurance term to remember is “HO-3” which essentially means a comprehensive form. 

The important thing is to have an agent that knows mobile homes and that will go the extra mile to stretch your hard earned dollars while not compromising the coverage you may depend on should that rainy day happen.  Call your agent and remember we are here to look out for you and to guide you to quality coverage at an affordable price.

Scott Wilson lic#oc53493
Weibel Insurance Agency Inc.
1(800) 653-5565

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sewer backup coverage?

Most homeowners insurance policies do NOT cover sewer back up and that's pretty stinky.  Make sure you take advantage of any optional endorsement available to you through your company.  If you find that this coverage is not offered, give us a call to get the options.

Weibel Insurance Agency
1(800) 653-5565

Monday, July 23, 2012

Fire or Earthquake?

Question: If we have an earthquake that causes damage to your mobile home, breaking a gas line creating a fire that burns down your mobile home, are you covered if you don't have earthquake coverage?

Answer: Yes, the proximate cause of the total loss would be fire, You would be covered for this loss even though you did not have earthquake coverage.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Insuring your mobile & Auto together!

Finally, we can combine excellent comprehensive homeowners on a mobile home with automobile coverage.  The discount is BIG and the coverage is provided by an A rated company right here in California.  Give us a call, we can get you real savings in under 10 minutes of your time.

1(800) 653-5565

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Vacancy control saves your equity

Vacancy control means when you sell your mobile home in a park the buyer's increase in rent is capped at 10% above your current rent.  Park owners do not want any vacancy control to limit the amount of  profit they can charge the buyer of your mobile home.  According to Mobilehome magazine (March/April 2012): Your equity decreases $1000 for every $10 your rent increases.

Protect your home and your investment by knowing what is happening in your area and your park.

Scott Wilson

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Retire with friends

It's no secret that retirement is better spent in a stress free environment amongst friends.  As I travel around California visiting senior mobile home parks it's easy to recognize the benefits of living in a well kept park with others of similar age and interests.  I don't think there is a better situation for those of us moving on in years than living in our own homes with close by neighbors that are also good friends.  I am proud to be insuring folks living the good life in mobile home parks around California.  If you know of a park like this, please let me know so I can drop by to say hello.

Scott Wilson
Weibel Insurance Agency Inc.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Right price, Right protection.

As all of our day to day costs continue to rise, we are all having to look for more ways to trim our expenses.  Gas, food, electric, rent and so many other things have gone up, the days of just paying the bills appear to be behind us.  Why not look to get the most from your money?  One great way to save money is to look at the cost of your homeowners insurance.  

Specializing in mobile home insurance means we know exactly how to customize your coverages to fit your needs.  We help our clients save money every day, give us a call so we may help you.  

Combining your car coverage and mobile home can save even more!  

California's mobile home insurance specialist.

Weibel Insurance Agency
1(800) 653-5565

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mobile home park visits

Most people have questions about their homeowners insurance.  What things are covered?  How much is covered?  When should a claim be payed?  Is there a lower cost coverage?  Questions like these and more can be answered in person at your club house.

If your park is interested in free information on homeowners insurance, in which the Weibel Insurance Agency will be there to answer all questions on any policy from any company insuring a manufactured home in your park.  Let us know, and we will be happy to come over and provide a free question and answer session at any time.

We have been here to help for over 50 years and will continue to be here for many years to come.
1(800) 653-5565

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

personal property

Every year it's a great idea to take an afternoon to catalog and photograph all of your personal property.  In the event of a fire, where everything is lost, you will be very glad you have a record of everything in your home.  The adjuster sent to help you with your homeowners insurance claim wants to provide every available coverage.  Helping your adjuster with photographs, video or records will go a long way in helping you recover what you have lost.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Earthquake coverage

We all have heard that the San Andreas fault has been over due for some time now.  Know one knows when, where, or the magnitude but being prepared is the best solution.  Earthquake rates have come down in many parts of California and coverage can be expanded; now may be the time to check into earthquake coverage for your manufactured home or mobile home.

Today Western Arizona was hit with a 5.0 and just yesterday Northern California was hit with a 5.6.

Give me a call anytime to check on your options for coverage.

Scott Wilson
Weibel Insurance Agency
1(800) 653-5565