Thursday, September 29, 2011

Southern california wind

It's that time of year again, high Santa Ana winds are back.  Wind damage is the second most common claim on a mobile home here in California.  Check your awnings and your roof to make sure you are prepared for mother nature.  Your homeowners policy should provide coverage for damage to your home or awning by wind.  It's a good idea to check your policy and deductible to make sure you are covered against wind or perhaps even a fire that these hot winds can promote.  We are always happy to assist at the Weibel Insurance agency, just visit our site or call for more information on homeowners insurance for mobile homes.

Monday, September 12, 2011


All of us here at the Weibel Insurance Agency are proud to be part of this great nation.  Remembering the 9/11 tragedy brings perspective to the times we live in.  God speed to those whom bravely gave their lives in defense of our country on that date, before and since.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Discount mobile home insurance

Make sure your getting the best rate available.  With a tough economy, insurance companies are changing the way your premium is rated.  discounts are available for seniors, preferred mobile home parks, no losses, multi sectional, and more.  Call the manufactured home insurance specialists @ (800) 653-5565.